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Showing posts with the label Get the best for your family

What mends family & relationships? unhealthy family relationships

What mends family & relationships; unhealthy family relationships    Your family is the smallest unit of the society, to build a better society, you will need family & relationships vice to help both your family and the society. This is also what God corrects in the society when we as individuals that make up the society are penalized for wrong doings/sins/sinister behavior. If everybody teaches their families how to be responsible, the community will run out of irresponsible lapses in general. Do you agree?  More on family & relationships...  According to Sunshine clinic. You may find it useful to build a better family understanding and tolerance using these circular methods.   Sharing a meal with family.   One good way to make somebody come around is with food. If the memory of such equality, tranquility, and providence on the dinning table does not work even immediately, it won't fail in the long run. They may not appreciate it then, but...