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Showing posts with the label Human values-Personal fixing

What is a good person? What is a good character?

What is a good person? What is a good character?  It's not about being a nice person or the nicest person, or in being too kind. Then, what is a good person and what is a good character ? It is about knowning that your kindness may be taken for granted by some people you show good character to, and by that, you must not not stop being a good person but be careful with people yet observant enough to still understand that some people are worth helping. Not everyboby is wayward and indifferent to your amazing qualities and kind heart—one of the best people i know taught me that. You must not be an excellent person, but be diplomatic and pragmatic other times, you show other forms of goodness when you are bipolar with measure.     So,  What is a good person?   - W hat makes a good person is knowledge. Knowledge that every single atom of goodness you give makes up for the collective goodness in the world, that by such good qualities a good human being shou...

God The Adjudicator

God  The Adjudicator     Why does God judge?      -It is the same reason why we have courts here on earth–in this world. Without them people like you and I would do anything we wanted to do, and the place will be plagued with inequality and insecurity. Why would you think you are not responsible to an authority like Gods'— even here, you must obey the laws or we will be thrown in jail.-   -Each person's crime will contribute to the general crime rate in the society— if God puts you on check, it is so that everybody will be on sin moderation. You hear people say things like only God can judge me. No, your conscience and mind judges you too, that is the God in you. Only God judges the heart— this is exactly what Jesus tries to teach— doing things from your heart rather than doing it because it is in the state law. When they say don't commit murder, it is that you know it is not a good thing to commit murder because you love everybody like they were ...

The negative pride, and the reward of pride

The negative pride, and the reward of pride  How do we see the signs of pride, if you sense yourself above a lot of things, having a superiority complex? That is tge negative pride. It is not that you shouldn't hold yourself to esteem. It is that, you should not feel inferior to anyone, nor should you feel superior to anyone. You can know the differences between your situation and somebody's— that does not make your soul more or less important.     If you feel entitled to something and not opportuned (even when it is yours), entitlement is a sign of pride. Nothing in this world spells self destruction for a human being more than pride. Pride is the deadliest of all. God describes a dominion of things that he gave the grace to become more than what they could have been, instead they grow and become full of themselves, very similar to a story we know. Remember the word says that the Lord exalts the humble, but He resists the proud; and that is it. Pray for the spirit of hum...