Lamentations 2 devotional, meaning, explained, summary For a book to be called Lamentations, you have to imagine the amount of complaint and the level of detriment. I did some research about the book of Lamentations— regarded to be written by Jeremiah. But this post itself is on Lamentations Chapter 2, verse 1-22 . It can also be tagged as a revitalizing devotional to all the problems you may face. Lamentations 2 kjv, lamentations 2 meaning, lamentations 2 explained, lamentations 2 summary. If I am right, during the time of Jeremiah, Israel and Judah were subject to the sovereignty of Mesopotamia-Babylon and Egypt— especially Babylon. This was back then in antiquity. The book of Lamentations shows the despair of Jeremiah over the prevailing situation in Israel and Judah that must have felt overwhelming, considering the kind of God they had was supposed to have protected them; He didn't. But just like we saw in Exodus, God has a relationship with...