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Showing posts with the label family & relationship with God

Isa Jesus meaning- why is Isa messiah?

Isa Jesus meaning, why is Isa messiah?  -The messiah means a saviour, as prophesied or promised through out your religions. Meaning that Isa Messiah identifies Jesus ( Yeshua, Yesu jidu, Yesu, Isa ) as the saviour promised to come; sent by the Heavenly Father. In Islam, Christianity, Judaism, there was a prophesy of the coming of a Messiah. Who is that messiah? Jesus Christ ( Yeshua, Yesu Jidu, Isa) The Messiah means a saviour.-    The problem is that these religions have their different views of Christ; nevertheless, they all confirm that Jesus is Messiah. Apart from the signs that confirm that he is that one, among all the prophets of God, he is the only one Identified as sinless; if anyone tells you any other prophet or child of God was without sin, that is not correct. So you can see that he is more than just a mere prophet, but divinely sent and divine in that matter. He is God the son doesn't mean he replaces God, neither should any biological meaning b...