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Showing posts with the label How to pray

What are the Azan shia, Adhan meaning, Shia azan, Asr adhan?

What are the Azan shia, Adhan meaning, Shia azan, Asr adhan?  Hello, here we will talk about Azan shia or Shia Azan, the Adhan meaning, the most powerful prayers of any religions, and the Asr adhan? Let's see them all. What is the Azan Shia? Azan Shia is the same thing as Adhan Shia and is a Muslim sect's (subsect) call for prayer which differs with the Adhan/Azan of the better known Muslim sects; especially in regards to a reference the Shias make to a prophet known as Imam Ali ibn abi talib, who is held in an almost Christ like manner. Giving he Adhan meaning a different vibe. The Azan shia is also known as the Shia azan. Who is Imam Ali ibn abi talib?   Imam Ali ibn abi talib lived from 601 to 661 A.D (After the death of Christ), and was among the first Muslims. He was a relative to the revered Prophet Muhammad. In Shia prayers Imam Ali ibn abi talib is even referenced.   "ʾašhadu ʾanna ʿAlīyan walīyu -llāhi, ʾašhadu ʾanna ʿAlīyan walīyu -llāhi— I bear w...

Isa Jesus meaning- why is Isa messiah?

Isa Jesus meaning, why is Isa messiah?  -The messiah means a saviour, as prophesied or promised through out your religions. Meaning that Isa Messiah identifies Jesus ( Yeshua, Yesu jidu, Yesu, Isa ) as the saviour promised to come; sent by the Heavenly Father. In Islam, Christianity, Judaism, there was a prophesy of the coming of a Messiah. Who is that messiah? Jesus Christ ( Yeshua, Yesu Jidu, Isa) The Messiah means a saviour.-    The problem is that these religions have their different views of Christ; nevertheless, they all confirm that Jesus is Messiah. Apart from the signs that confirm that he is that one, among all the prophets of God, he is the only one Identified as sinless; if anyone tells you any other prophet or child of God was without sin, that is not correct. So you can see that he is more than just a mere prophet, but divinely sent and divine in that matter. He is God the son doesn't mean he replaces God, neither should any biological meaning b...

Lamentations 2 - a renaissant devotional

Lamentations 2 devotional, meaning, explained, summary  For a book to be called Lamentations, you have to imagine the amount of complaint and the level of detriment. I did some research about the book of Lamentations— regarded to be written by Jeremiah. But this post itself is on  Lamentations Chapter 2, verse 1-22 . It can also be tagged as a revitalizing devotional to all the problems you may face. Lamentations 2 kjv, lamentations 2 meaning, lamentations 2 explained, lamentations 2 summary.   If I am right, during the time of Jeremiah, Israel and Judah were subject to the sovereignty of Mesopotamia-Babylon and Egypt— especially Babylon.  This was back then in antiquity.   The book of Lamentations shows the despair of Jeremiah over the prevailing situation in Israel and Judah that must have felt overwhelming, considering the kind of God they had was supposed to have protected them; He didn't. But just like we saw in Exodus, God has a relationship with...

Jesus vs night terror and demons

Jesus vs night terror and demons  Some people are bedeviled with demon attacks, sleep paralysis demon attack, demon attack in sleep, night horrors, night terror dreams, sleep paralysis night terror, etc. Maybe like you, they start wanting to know what to do during a night terror, or how long does a night terror last. Don't bother with night terror treatment in adults and the likes, sleep terrors treatments, night terror medications, night terror medication, nightmare specialists; all that. If they help you, fine. If they can't, you have arrived the right read. Deities or just high ranking demons    First rule, never seek for powers from sorceries to quail your nightmares, demon attacks, sleep paralysis demon attack, demon attack in sleep, night horrors, night terror dreams, sleep paralysis night terror, or paranormal attacks. The deities that grant such powers will only invite more problems for you later. Move into the light— the times when these powers worked was when pe...

What is the most powerful God's power

What is the most powerful God's power: most powerful superpower.       Before you ask, what is the power of the most power god, or the power of the strongest god, we must first ask, who in fact is such god. Those that deity exist. Is ot local to a certain region or to a certain people, e.g, the most powerful egyptian god, most powerful greek god, most powerful norse god, top 10 powerful gods in the world, top 10 most powerful greek gods, most powerful god in all mythology, most powerful chinese god, etc. No, that god is universal— I'll tell you why. Because, at the end of the day, we need somebody like Superman sometimes, circumstances where issues like that arise are very common. Another question you will ask yourself is, 'Is it possible that this powers are useful to me today?'.       The most powerful God— most powerful god— You know, you come to understand that God himself, the ancient deity of Judah and Jerusalem, known and heard off around the an...

Power we have in God

Power we have in God.  -If you read the book of Ezekiel  (Dhū al-Kifl, Yechezqel, Ezekiel)  God was so vexed one time He took away the power they had in Him. Every power we have in Christ  ( Yeshua, Isa, Yēsū jīdū ) was given to us by God, we have the power to pray and sickness leaves, to collect insight from God, we have the power to cast out demons from the possessed, from the afflicted, spirits, and demons (dybbuk, djinn, yokai) little too Christ, and they will disperse. Through faith, and an undying one at that, we have the power to speak for a change in our lives. We now have these powers using the name of Jesus, because God granted the name to have such effect for us in prayer. Power only comes from prayers, believe, and have faith— not through any other spiritual/sorcery means.-  -The same power that raised jesus from the dead, there is power in the blood of jesus— the power of Christ or the power we have in Christ ( Not that there is goodness...

Family under God

Family under God - The family under God, "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged." This is word from the Lord, and everybody has to do their parts and be befitting of their roles. Most important thing is to raise children in the way of our Lord, and to make sure your spouse is happy and upright.  -True Love for your family is first love for Jesus (Yeshua, Isa, Yēsū jīdū).  How can I love the water more than the well were it is sourced, formed from and preserved in. True love for children, parents, siblings, spouse, work, life, health, is first love for the Father in heaven and the power in his son and word Jesus; because I have searched and searched and by no other power on earth are my prayers answered, Yokai, djinn, and evil so called o...

Is black magic bad?

Black magic is bad, along with all other magic?  You might mention one or two things about what some form of magic has done that was good for you, or you may see one or two displays of magic and sorcery that makes you eager to pick. We respect that, but only a little. You didn't know before, now you know. Black magic, voodoo, and every other form of sorcery is bad. No need to ask if black magic is bad, something in you already knows that black magic or sorcery is bad. It will only invite 10 more problems, from the one it has refused. Some of those powers require heinous and terrible sacrifices and offerings to work. God doesn't take such, his power given to us through Jesus is pure, and repels darkness. Black magic is bad.     Some Pharisees— the real beelzubuls— once said that Jesus was a sorcery, a false prophet using Beelzubul Beelzebub's evil powers. Imagine sowing such seed into Jesus' ministry. If you ever find yourself in a demonic attack or something like pre...