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Showing posts with the label Emotion management

Feeling suicidal? -You don't know all your options yet.

Feeling suicidal? You don't know all your options yet.  Suicidal feelings, suicidal thought, feel sucidal, suicidal feeling, feeling suicidal?— it is because you think you know it all, you have other options. Even I, talking to you, I am plagued with issues and believe that I will be healed spiritually, emotionally, physically, one day. I live by faith. I know people that have no support from even their own earthly families— that's if they know them, and people that have been back stabbed and segregated at every turn; yet I see them smile, and at that moment I do everything to preserve that smile. Even Job in the Bible when put through disease, loss of all his family, poverty— a fall from his former glory. He knew that to feel loss and hopelessness was more than just a suicide note; not that he was afraid to die.  Suicidal feelings, suicidal thoughts just shows that this world that has so deceived us from birth, is still liable of making you feel it is the ultimate e...

What is a good person? What is a good character?

What is a good person? What is a good character?  It's not about being a nice person or the nicest person, or in being too kind. Then, what is a good person and what is a good character ? It is about knowning that your kindness may be taken for granted by some people you show good character to, and by that, you must not not stop being a good person but be careful with people yet observant enough to still understand that some people are worth helping. Not everyboby is wayward and indifferent to your amazing qualities and kind heart—one of the best people i know taught me that. You must not be an excellent person, but be diplomatic and pragmatic other times, you show other forms of goodness when you are bipolar with measure.     So,  What is a good person?   - W hat makes a good person is knowledge. Knowledge that every single atom of goodness you give makes up for the collective goodness in the world, that by such good qualities a good human being shou...

Lamentations 2 - a renaissant devotional

Lamentations 2 devotional, meaning, explained, summary  For a book to be called Lamentations, you have to imagine the amount of complaint and the level of detriment. I did some research about the book of Lamentations— regarded to be written by Jeremiah. But this post itself is on  Lamentations Chapter 2, verse 1-22 . It can also be tagged as a revitalizing devotional to all the problems you may face. Lamentations 2 kjv, lamentations 2 meaning, lamentations 2 explained, lamentations 2 summary.   If I am right, during the time of Jeremiah, Israel and Judah were subject to the sovereignty of Mesopotamia-Babylon and Egypt— especially Babylon.  This was back then in antiquity.   The book of Lamentations shows the despair of Jeremiah over the prevailing situation in Israel and Judah that must have felt overwhelming, considering the kind of God they had was supposed to have protected them; He didn't. But just like we saw in Exodus, God has a relationship with...

What mends family & relationships? unhealthy family relationships

What mends family & relationships; unhealthy family relationships    Your family is the smallest unit of the society, to build a better society, you will need family & relationships vice to help both your family and the society. This is also what God corrects in the society when we as individuals that make up the society are penalized for wrong doings/sins/sinister behavior. If everybody teaches their families how to be responsible, the community will run out of irresponsible lapses in general. Do you agree?  More on family & relationships...  According to Sunshine clinic. You may find it useful to build a better family understanding and tolerance using these circular methods.   Sharing a meal with family.   One good way to make somebody come around is with food. If the memory of such equality, tranquility, and providence on the dinning table does not work even immediately, it won't fail in the long run. They may not appreciate it then, but...

The negative pride, and the reward of pride

The negative pride, and the reward of pride  How do we see the signs of pride, if you sense yourself above a lot of things, having a superiority complex? That is tge negative pride. It is not that you shouldn't hold yourself to esteem. It is that, you should not feel inferior to anyone, nor should you feel superior to anyone. You can know the differences between your situation and somebody's— that does not make your soul more or less important.     If you feel entitled to something and not opportuned (even when it is yours), entitlement is a sign of pride. Nothing in this world spells self destruction for a human being more than pride. Pride is the deadliest of all. God describes a dominion of things that he gave the grace to become more than what they could have been, instead they grow and become full of themselves, very similar to a story we know. Remember the word says that the Lord exalts the humble, but He resists the proud; and that is it. Pray for the spirit of hum...