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What is the most powerful God's power

What is the most powerful God's power: most powerful superpower.       Before you ask, what is the power of the most power god, or the power of the strongest god, we must first ask, who in fact is such god. Those that deity exist. Is ot local to a certain region or to a certain people, e.g, the most powerful egyptian god, most powerful greek god, most powerful norse god, top 10 powerful gods in the world, top 10 most powerful greek gods, most powerful god in all mythology, most powerful chinese god, etc. No, that god is universal— I'll tell you why. Because, at the end of the day, we need somebody like Superman sometimes, circumstances where issues like that arise are very common. Another question you will ask yourself is, 'Is it possible that this powers are useful to me today?'.       The most powerful God— most powerful god— You know, you come to understand that God himself, the ancient deity of Judah and Jerusalem, known and heard off around the an...