Black magic is bad, along with all other magic? You might mention one or two things about what some form of magic has done that was good for you, or you may see one or two displays of magic and sorcery that makes you eager to pick. We respect that, but only a little. You didn't know before, now you know. Black magic, voodoo, and every other form of sorcery is bad. No need to ask if black magic is bad, something in you already knows that black magic or sorcery is bad. It will only invite 10 more problems, from the one it has refused. Some of those powers require heinous and terrible sacrifices and offerings to work. God doesn't take such, his power given to us through Jesus is pure, and repels darkness. Black magic is bad. Some Pharisees— the real beelzubuls— once said that Jesus was a sorcery, a false prophet using Beelzubul Beelzebub's evil powers. Imagine sowing such seed into Jesus' ministry. If you ever find yourself in a demonic attack or something like pre...